
Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Is ear pain normal after a tonsillectomy and/or adenoidectomy?

A: Yes, ear pain is common. The nerve that supports the tonsils and adenoids also supports the ears. This ear pain is a referred pain from the surgery site and is not coming from the ears. Take pain meds as prescribed after surgery for this pain.

Q: Is it normal to have increased pain one week after surgery?

A: Yes, patients often feel better on days 2-5 after surgery then experience increased pain on days 6-8. This is also the time when patients are likely to experience ear pain. Take pain meds as prescribed for this pain. If pain persists past post op day 10, please call the office at 865-673-8229.

Q: Is neck pain normal after a tonsillectomy and/or adenoidectomy?

A: Yes, neck pain can be normal after surgery. If neck pain is associated with other symptoms such as fever, vomiting, or lethargy please call the office a 865-673-8229, otherwise continue pain meds as prescribed.

Q: Is it normal for my child to have REALLY bad breath after a tonsillectomy and/or adenoidectomy?

A: Yes, bad breath is common and can last 2-3 weeks after surgery.

Q: Is constipation normal after a tonsillectomy and/or adenoidectomy? 

A: Yes, constipation is common when taking pain medication. You can get a stool softener from your local pharmacy for this.

Q: Is it okay that my child is not eating much after their tonsillectomy and/or adenoidectomy? 

A: Yes, it is common to have a decrease in appetite after surgery. It is more important to drink liquids to avoid dehydration.

Q: Is it okay to get immunizations before surgery? 

A: Immunizations should be given either 2 weeks prior or 2 weeks after surgery.

Q: Can my child take their medications prior to and on the day of surgery? 

A: Once your surgery is scheduled you will receive a call from the surgery center. The nurse will advise you as to which medications can be taken and which ones should be held. DO NOT give any ibuprofen or aspirin products 10 days prior or 10 days after a tonsillectomy and/or adenoidectomy.

Q: Is post op bleeding normal after a tonsillectomy and/or adenoidectomy? 

A: If you child has any bleeding after surgery please contact the office at 865-673-8229, there will be a doctor on call after hours and on weekends.

Q: Is it normal to have ear drainage after ear tube placement? 

A: Yes, it is normal to have blood tinged drainage for several days after surgery. Use Ciprodex twice daily as prescribed after surgery.

Q: When can my child go swimming after ear tube placement surgery? 

A: Your child can go swimming after surgery once any drainage has stopped and he/she wears protective ear plugs.